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about new clear cards some APPS and other new games  by from someone sakura's men messanger poster Thu, Mar 28, 2019 – 15:38 JST#6466  
jump.gifthat new cardcaptor sakura series release 2018 and the middle adveneure of story.
cardcaptor sakura has new something interesting apps on smartphones like iphones or ipad that name called SAKURA ME LLAMO phone call fun game I don't know that details I saw that smartphone APP recently.
that sakura kinomoto phone call app need login something that. that app are appears in google play some.
and also there is other game coming 2019 phone game called Cardcaptor sakura happiness memories it can change sakura's custumes dress up and decorating house that. they are less something that. that game APP has new song I don't know that now.
other things: doodle god. also called doodle sakura?.doodle internet.(from doodle god game?to custom?)
wizard+weapon=wand. cherry+girl=sakura kinomoto.
wand+sakura kinomoto=dream wand.
rabbit+girl=cuterosa(from outside cardcaptor cute rabbit haircut characters).
(akiho has new toy rabbit momo in clear card arc)
cuterosa+sakura kinomoto=sweet sakura family.

Episode 43 what's the dif?  by deltanine Sat, Jan 13, 2018 – 02:26 JST#6455  
syaoran.gifI just wanted to bring up something in your analysis of "Meilin's story" which is an episode of "CardCaptors" and you wrote "Li heartlessly told Meiling to go back to Hong Kong, because her mother told her to on the phone." in the column for the original Japanese version. But this, in my opinion, made little sense to me. You said that Li was being "heartless" in the Japanese version, and yet you claim that he was even more of a jerk in the Nelvana dub? I would really like some clarification.

Re: Episode 43 what's the dif?  by Yuki Neco Tue, Feb 06, 2018 – 06:50 JST #6457  

nakuru.gifI see you're a Meilin fan. As disapointment for Li fans, he said some heartless words in this episode of Cardcaptors. Unlike Japanese version, he told about Meilin not having magical powers. Although in Japanese version Syaoran cares for Meilin as a close relative, in Nelvana dub it is difficult in my opinion to see how he cares for her as the Nelvana show stress the mission as Cardcaptors.

Re: Episode 43 what's the dif?  by someone sakura and big eat cute girl anime Thu, Jan 31, 2019 – 14:52 JST #6465  

mirror.gifalthough meiling has no magical power, meiling sometimes learn that martial arts is still useful that martial arts like chinese kong fu. like original 43 and 60 episode and clear card 16 episode. at the clear card arc 16 episode meiling has full to understand thoughts and better friends to sakura and happy to return hong kong. meanwhile that friend site like LMK little miss kinomoto also that site is alive and update to complete the clear cards storyline. the original storyline LMK site is not full complete. some old traditional chinese site sakura syaoran good memories is dead at 2016 that website will review at the web archieve that old website is best layout I have ever see it. today 2019 FEB is also chinese new year spring festival. clear card kaito episode 22 stop time but it dosen't know that akiho dram that giant dragon or giant sneak like some of WORDPRESS site will less introduce that snake.
CCS WIKIA COM has song lyrics with japanese that GENIUS has not japanese lyrics.
DOODLE GOD TV book computer and compu is internet.

Happy New Year 2019  by Yuki Neco Tue, Jan 01, 2019 – 07:59 JST#6463  
nakuru.gifHi, people, the new year has just begun.
In Japan where I live, Cardcaptor Sakura was aired with Clear Card Season in the first half last year. The anime series came to the final in the middle of adventure; CCS fans are waiting for the second season to be aired. Anyway, the original manga of Clear Card Season is still going on.

Re: Happy New Year 2019  by someone sakura and big eat cute girl anime Thu, Jan 31, 2019 – 14:29 JST #6464  

sakura.gifhappy new year 2019 also too. CCS akura clear card arc has 20 cards recently. I think there are anime gallery in japan. and products about dream wand silver neckless, ichiban kuji etc. ccs japan gallery has sakura and syaoran first date. I have surprise some old like ccs website culture are still alive.

Another dubbed version  by Yuki Neco Tue, Feb 06, 2018 – 07:19 JST#6459  
nakuru.gifI didn't know that NIS America (NISA) bought the license of Cardcaptor Sakura in 2014.NISA has released the DVD of Cardcaptor Sakura with all 70 episodes, no story line edited or altered unlike Nelvana version.

New series of Cardcaprot Sakura  by Yuki Neco Sat, Dec 02, 2017 – 08:01 JST#6454  
nakuru.gifHi, CCS fans!
Cardcaptor Sakura is about to restart on TV with a new series, called Clear Card Season. In the series, Sakura is on the 7th grade; hopefully, Syaoran has returned to Tomoeda-cho. The first episode will be aired on NHK BS channel (in Japan) on January 7, at 7:30 a.m. Stay tuned. :)

Here's the related web site:

Re: New series of Cardcaprot Sakura  by deltanine Sat, Jan 13, 2018 – 02:28 JST #6456  

syaoran.gifPersonally, I hope Meilin comes back in that show. If the first episode starting with a series of short clips from the old anime is any indication, it might happen, but I'd be very sad if it doesn't.

Re: New series of Cardcaprot Sakura  by Yuki Neco Tue, Feb 06, 2018 – 06:53 JST #6458  

nakuru.gifJust like the previous series, Meilin does not appear in the original manga. But I hope too there is some chance we see Meilin in the new series, just because there are Meilin fans like you.

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